Kolkata : The Board of Practical Training (Eastern Region), announced several initiatives pertaining to job opportunities for aspirants and an increased budget outlay. This year, more than 2,00,000 job opportunities await deserving apprentice candidates. This is in addition to the 1 Lakh job opportunities earmarked by the Board (over the count of 2023). A budget of Rs 3024 Crore has been sanctioned for the organization by the Government of India for FY 2021-26.

R.N. Lahiri, Chairperson and Director, Batanagar Institute of Engineering, Management & Science; Prof. Dilip Kumar Baidya, Chief Guest and Director, National Institute of Technology, Silchar, Assam, Prof. (Dr.) Sadhan Chandra Ray, FIE, Guest of Honour and Member, The Institution of Engineers (India) and Dr S.M. Ejaz Ahmad, Director, Board of Practical Training (Eastern Region), Ministry of Education, Government of India were present on the occasion along with other esteemed guests.

Also, UGC (University Grants Commission) will continue to be an active stakeholder in the NATS programme. UGC regularly issues official circulars, public notices, and other notifications pertaining to important developments regarding the NAT 2.0 portal amongst other roles.
‘A total of 1.28 Lakh fresh graduates and diploma engineers are undergoing apprenticeship training through National Apprenticeship Training Scheme (NATS). NATS is a wonderful initiative by the Government of India in which a number of students get hands-on training in some top-of-the-line organizations, both governmental and private. This goes a long way in making them well-rounded employees with practical training. In fact, several apprentices gain valuable knowledge and skills through NATS that they may have missed during their regular course of study. Furthermore, NATS provides a safe, authentic platform for apprentices to gain employment in a range of organizations as per their skills and acumen,’ said S.M. Ejaz Ahmed, Director, Board of Practical Training (Eastern Region), Ministry of Education, Government of India.

The National Apprenticeship Training Scheme (NATS) is the flagship programme under the Apprentices Act of 1961 (amended in 1973). It is focused on equipping Indian youth with practical, hands-on training in several trades through which they can earn their livelihood. This programme is open to graduates, diploma holders, holders of vocational certificates. It offers them on-the-job training (OJT) opportunities that typically last between six months and one year with government and private organizations, including some leading names.
The annual celebration of the Regional Apprenticeship Day is an initiative of BOPT(ER) to draw attention towards the achievements of the organization over the year and attract maximum number of students who may be assisted in securing gainful employment as per their knowledge and skill sets in today’s job scenario.