Life does not follow the rhythm of poetry, but poetry is born from life. Therefore, if the sense of life is not deep, poetry cannot be written. Therefore, Amalesh Bala, a police officer of Murshidabad district, became a poet because he understood life deeply.

Amalesh Bala has proved that how one can bind the feeling or perception in words and rhythm even if one is devoted to the profession. Therefore, the picture of nature or human-nature has emerged in his poems. As he prioritizes God-consciousness, he urges through poetry to preserve the beautiful human relationships. So he wants to make flowers bloom in hell in the rhythm of poetry. He also gave social messages through poetry.

In fact, poet Amalesh Bala‘s poetry is a continuous result of life consciousness. Where the shadow war of life and pain drives death forward in rhythm. So he wrote a book of poetry in an intellectual spirit to show people the way to salvation. Amalesh therefore has touched the immense wonder of poetry in a simple poetic way without emphasizing the complexity of words.

Amalesh Bala is not only an efficient police officer, but now he is also known as a poet. Amalesh‘s first book of poetry ‘Naraker Phool’ has been published recently. District Superintendent of Police (Murshidabad) Surya Pratap Yadav (IPS) officially released the book ‘Naraker Phool’ of Amalesh.

Besides, retired District Judge Sivashankar Pal and Hon’ble Vishwapati Sarkar were present on the book launch occasion. Poet Amalesh Bala‘s poetry book ‘Naraker Phool’ is available at Stall No. 137 and Stall No. 63 of the 47th International Kolkata Book Fair, said Poet Amalesh Bala.